lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

About me

Hi, my name is Valentina and I'm a student of the EGGP. I'm 23 years old, I was born on August 16th, 1991 in Osorno, but I've living a lot of places. My mom was a universitary student in Osorno, so I lived with my grandmother in the country, near to Linares until 1997, my first school was Instituto Linares. Then, with my mom we moved to Paillaco with Carlos, my dad, where my second school was Proyecto de Futuro. In 2002, I arrived to Rio Bueno and study in a reformatory in this town, finally end my studies in Valdivia, Alonso de Ercilla college gave me my pass to the universite. In late 2009 I moved to Santiago with my family, months later I suspend my studies on EGGP when my child Baltazar born. Today I live in Providencia with my boyfriend, my son and my kitty. I enjoy read Botanicals, Politics Issues and Philosophy.