From five years ago I’m the Baltazar’s mom and now I’m pregnant and waiting for Clemente, my second child. Because of this, the priorities have come changing and the dreams and ideals which guide my life too.
To the next year my objective is finish the career and this way I can get a job and become truly self-supporting, then my dream is leave Santiago and come back to the south, near to Valdivia, and living with my childs and my partner.
For us, go back to the south means a lot of things, first, is return to a human-scale city, breeding our children with relationships which endure at the time and especially raise children who have contact with the really important stuff like the nature, the community and themselves.
Living in Santiago for us has been a difficult stage to tackle because the stress who generate big cities and big crowds of people in them.
Our highest difficulty to realize our dream of returning to live in a little house in a little city, it's just the time it takes us to finish our college careers and thereafter our best ally is the love and the relationship of trust and fellowship that we have worked as a family for five years.
To realize research, at different levels, inside the field of Public Administration and Management, Public Policy and Political Science, it's very necessary to have credible or reliable data.
Even in university life, as students, we must be constantly researching some aspect of these branches, which is why access to information should be neat, and page World Bank provides us with this.
On this page, you can obtain official data from many of the countries in each continent, there is free access to important data on the development of each region, following up to the Millennium Development Goals, publications related to the global economy and their respective indicators, among many other things.
The page has several advantages, among them, having the language versions, allowing a more universal access to its website, also has a friendly and educational for those entering data search interface.
In my case I use this site whenever I need to perform jobs or tasks for my courses at the University, especially now that I find myself doing my seminar on public education politics.