miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Last post!

Hi friends, today's post is some sadly, because is the last meet with the english blog guys. Before this english course I never write in blogspot or another app, just the basic facebook status. The blogspot experience is fun, share a post and ideas with my friends was a bit hard, because at first post took too long to write and I didn't know to explain my ideas. but each post gave me some training to share my voice with all of us.

Share ideas in this blog gave me a better skill in english writing, even i have much to improve, but i can write any text more clearly without difficulty.

Finally, in the future this blogspot experience will help me to have a themed blog, for example, botany, recipes of "raw food" or a more academic issues to interact with people of similar interests, whether political gender, education, maternity and labor conciliation, on all these issues, I wish I could write about the medicalization of bodies, because I think that all this can be reduced to this, this mean, how our bodies and our vital processes has been moved to the pathologizing and how difficult it is to reconcile our natural or lives in so masculinized more aware environments.

This last words to my english course friends, good vibes to all.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

My dreams

From five years ago I’m the Baltazar’s mom and now I’m pregnant and waiting for Clemente, my second child. Because of this, the priorities have come changing and the dreams and ideals which guide my life too.
To the next year my objective is finish the career and this way I can get a job and become truly self-supporting, then my dream is leave Santiago and come back to the south, near to Valdivia, and living with my childs and my partner.
For us, go back to the south means a lot of things, first, is return to a human-scale city, breeding our children with relationships which endure at the time and especially raise children who have contact with the really important stuff like the nature, the community and themselves.
Living in Santiago for us has been a difficult stage to tackle because the stress who generate big cities and big crowds of people in them.
Our highest difficulty to realize our dream of returning to live in a little house in a little city, it's just the time it takes us to finish our college careers and thereafter our best ally is the love and the relationship of trust and fellowship that we have worked as a family for five years.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Session #7: A really good website!


To realize research, at different levels, inside the field of Public Administration and Management, Public Policy and Political Science, it's very necessary to have credible or reliable data.
Even in university life, as students, we must be constantly researching some aspect of these branches, which is why access to information should be neat, and page World Bank provides us with this.
On this page, you can obtain official data from many of the countries in each continent, there is free access to important data on the development of each region, following up to the Millennium Development Goals, publications related to the global economy and their respective indicators, among many other things.
The page has several advantages, among them, having the language versions, allowing a more universal access to its website, also has a friendly and educational for those entering data search interface.
In my case I use this site whenever I need to perform jobs or tasks for my courses at the University, especially now that I find myself doing my seminar on public education politics.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Post #6

Hi! The next photography most be one of my favourite, even when this is not mine or where you can view somebody from my family or close to me, this appertain to the front of the first disc of my favourite band, the album called “Seru Giran” from the namesake band.

The picture belongs to brazilian artist called José Luis Pederneira and was taken and published at 1978.

This is my favourite because, besides to representing the beginning of a big band, and the excellence musically of Seru Giran, it’s a precious photography, where you can be seen the outside of a vagon train with the name Seru Giran on old fonts, where you can view trough a little window a landscape on the railroad, given the impression of lonely and stillness, which is too an impression of emblematic songs such as Eiti Leda, Seminare and Separata, all written by Charly García.

I hope this picture likes you, being that besides to be beautiful it’s representing a big moment of the music and latin american art.

Greetings! :)

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Post #4. Importance of sports politics.

The benefits which could come from the sport to a community are many and know, but on the most poor communities, the sport could change the destiny of girls and boys.

In this sense, by the social vulnerability factor in the poor communities, is really important that if the sporty assistance will exist, it should be come from a public proposition and not be used to realize corporate image campaigns for private companies.

A sports politics well done, can create conditions for girls and boys see in them other healthy ways to their free times daily, it means, the fact to choose go and does sport versus waste the time in from the tv, is already a social advancement.

Finally, from my personal experience I think that who have belonged a sportive club from the childhood have more ease to job in groups, gets over to a limit situations also more disposition to work under pressure and in disciplined ways.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Post #3: My favourite piece of technology!

Since I became to living alone, two years ago I discovered the double sided adhesive tape, and it turns in my best friend indoor's house. The double sided adhesive tape is a very simple device, a kind of sticky tape with adhesive per both sides and I discovered when I was a child in the labour’s room of my dad, but we’re inseparables since I lived alone.

I use it of the most varied ways, I glue little things which needs a lot of accuracy like Baltazar's homeworks (my son), I can decorate my home, I repair seams, or I put on the places which I need to repel from my cat, even the Baltazar's pants are glue with double sided adhesive tape!

I love the DSAT, because it makes me the stuff more simples and helps me to win time overcoat when I’m hurry or late.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Autumn's semester.

This term I’ll study few subjects, it because I’ve to get it up my university stuff and catch my degree. The subjects are an elective course of political philosophy, the third english's course, the fifth workshop called “Persona y Trabajo” and I’ve to does my graduate seminar about politics of education.
Further, I collaborate with the “Revista de Publicación Estudiantil”, which is a review where students have the possibility of publishing their academic’s works. My job is to review the formal aspects with a peer, who is an academic.  Also, I participate in the volleyball team called “Leviatan”, this is an exciting activity for me, ‘cause it makes me remind my beginnings of volley player when I was 8 years old.
To the end of this autumn’s semester, I expect perform a really good thesis on my seminar ‘cause I’ve taken it like a personal challenge, owing to the relevance of education’s politics, and also to ending a nice phase in the university. :)

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

About me

Hi, my name is Valentina and I'm a student of the EGGP. I'm 23 years old, I was born on August 16th, 1991 in Osorno, but I've living a lot of places. My mom was a universitary student in Osorno, so I lived with my grandmother in the country, near to Linares until 1997, my first school was Instituto Linares. Then, with my mom we moved to Paillaco with Carlos, my dad, where my second school was Proyecto de Futuro. In 2002, I arrived to Rio Bueno and study in a reformatory in this town, finally end my studies in Valdivia, Alonso de Ercilla college gave me my pass to the universite. In late 2009 I moved to Santiago with my family, months later I suspend my studies on EGGP when my child Baltazar born. Today I live in Providencia with my boyfriend, my son and my kitty. I enjoy read Botanicals, Politics Issues and Philosophy.